Ivan’s bio

I was born in Mexico City and I have always loved the water.

In high school I was on the swim team and I was in the water before and after school.

Once, my high school swim team organised a swim from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel. It took me twelve hours, but I did it !!!

Soon after finishing my college degree in Communication and Media, I decided to move to the beautiful Mexican Caribe.

In Playa del Carmen, I started working as an Activities Director in an all
inclusive resort.

One day at work, I met  Natalie and thanks to her, I discovered the under water wonders I am now so addicted to.

I love diving so much that I decided to become a PADI Professional, first as a Dive Master, and then a couple of years later I earned my PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor certification. 

I became an instructor to help people learn to dive safely.  I love diving and I want to show everyone how amazing it can be.

I spend as much time as possible underwater, leading dives or introducing people to diving. It is very rare to see me dry. I never refuses a chance to go diving. And if you ask me, I will always answer
that I’d rather go diving with you!!!